Days of Being Wild

A Fei zheng chuan (1991) Days of Being Wild

The movie is set in Hong Kong and the Philippines in 1960–61. Yuddy or ‘York’ in English (Leslie Cheung), is a playboy in Hong Kong and is well known for stealing girls’ hearts and breaking them. His first lover in the film is Li-zhen (Maggie Cheung), who suffers emotional and mental depression as a result of Yuddy’s wayward attitude. Li-zhen eventually seeks much-needed solace from a sympathetic policeman named Tide (Andy Lau). Their near-romance is often hinted at but never materializes.

York’s next romance is with a vivacious cabaret dancer whose stage name is Mimi (Carina Lau). Mimi is also loved by York’s best friend, Zeb (Jacky Cheung). Unsurprisingly, York dumps her too and she begins a period of self-destruction. York initiates romantic relationships but refuses to commit to the relationship and is unwilling to make compromises. He is conflicted about his feelings about his adoptive mother, a former prostitute played by Rebecca Pan, and is obsessed about his biological mother, who he eventually discovers is a Filipino aristocrat.

Music by Terry Chan
Leuribna-Lombardo Oflyne

Nel 1960, in un centro cinematografico per giovani, il giovane carismatico e “spaccacuori” Yuddy, vive con una ex-prostituta la quale lo informa di essere stata la sua madre adottiva, ma non gli rivela l’identità di quella naturale. Questa scoperta distrugge Yuddy, il quale diviene vittima delle emozioni non controllandole. Yuddy nel contempo conosce due donne innamorate di lui, Su Lizhen e Mimi. Una serie di eventi lo porteranno in un mondo prima sconosciuto, sino a quando scoprirà che la madre vive nelle Filippine e la raggiunge di conseguenza.

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